Monday, April 7, 2014

easiest way to prepare 6 course menu

Salut,             lets prepare Carte du jour

To prepare a Continental classical menu, all you have to keep in mind is that you have to plan your menu systematically and everything should be in order.

The following are the key points to be kept in mind while preparing the menu

1.   No repetition of color
2.   No repetition of ingredients
3.   Check seasons availability
4.   Always make a full course meal
      minimum of at least 6 course.

The following are the 6 course menu you can easily prepare in a restaurant or one can have an idea of how the menu goes.                                   

                             1.   The First Course is always Hors d oeuvres:  Hors d oeuvres are starters which are generally given in the beginning of the menu. The role of Hors d oeuvres is to stimulate the appetite.

The common continental Hors d oeuvres are

  • Caviar
  • Salad
  • Any Juice
  • Snails
  • Pate d foie gras 
  • Mellon
  • Prawn
  • Corn on the cob
  • Angels on Horseback
  • Grape fruit etc

                              2.   The second course is Potage which means SOUP these are taken after the Hors d oeuvres . The common Example are

  •  Minestroni soup
  • Consomme Florentine
  • Consomme Andalouse
  • Consomme Julliene
  • Creme cresy
  • Creme Dubarry
  • Creme St. Germain
  • Creme de Celeri
  • Tomato soup

                           3.    The third should be a main course which includes pork, turkey, chicken. In French this course is known as Releve The common examples are:

  • Roast lamb
  • Roast duck
  • Roast Turkey
  • Roast beef
  • Roasted Chicken
  • Saddle of Mutton
  • Baron of beef

                           4.    The Fourth course is always a vegetable course. this course is lighter than the Non veg course and in French is known as Legumes. These include:

  • Puree de pommes
  • Pommes sautees
  • Pommes frites
  • Artichoke
  • Brocolli
  • Asparagus
  • Ratatouille

                      5.   The Fifth course is the cheese course. In French these are known as Fromages. The common Eg. are

  • Cheddar
  • Edam
  • Ricotta
  • Danish Blue
  • Manchego
  • Stilton

                    6. The last course is the Dessert. All continental sweet preparation are served. The common Eg. are

  • Apple pie
  • Chocolate  souffe
  • Caramel Cusatrd
  • Cereme brulle

The Example to prepare a perfect menu is:

Date                                                  Hotels Name                                                    Luncheon/Dinner

                  (acc. lemon wedges, Blinis)
                  (acc. lemon wedges, Chilli vinegar)


                    Creme St.Germain
                  (acc. Crutons, Grated cheese)
                    Consomme Xavier
                  (acc. Crutons, Grated Cheese)

                    Roasted Duck                
                  (acc. Roast Gravey )
                    Boiled mutton
                  (acc. Pommes Pormentiere)


                   (acc. Hollandise Sauce)
                    Peas poie
                   (acc. Vinnigrate)


                   (acc. Crackers)
                   (acc. Crackers)

                   Caramel Custard

This is an example how a 6 course menu is made. This is Quite simple if you have the knowledge of all the continental dish.

Note: Now you can easily make menu from the list of Examples of Hors d oeuvres potage etc.

Have a nice day

au revoir